
Chock full.  In its simplicity and 2 syllable status, these are the words I would best use to describe today's contributing author.  She is movement. Calculated? Oh yes.Impromptu?Um, you betcha.

Her life holds one of the 5 fingered spots on my left hand that I reserve for mirroring.  When I am fallen and so very one dimensional in thought, I remind myself of her.  Of the brilliant ways she makes simplicity flawless.  In her role as not just wife & mother, but as a professional too. This human is masterful at maximizing moments and molding them into ones others deem noteworthy.  Cherished even.

I am so inspired by the unwavering purpose of her breathes.  She is that panoramic or aerial view for so many.  Holy marked are the steps of the struggling student or the mediocre teacher who just so happen to call her building theirs.  Little do they know the absolute energy she will soon pour into their presence yielding everything in her power to ignite growth & self worth.

She is affirmations. Time & time & again.  Words are a service meant for building better not breaking down.  She knows this.  And beautiful yet, she believes it.  This contributing author is timely with both her actions and her heart.  It's as if she has this sense about her that just knows when to speak, when to be silent, when to stay & when to go.

Spontaneity serves this leader so very well.  She eludes spirit not just to her faculty and students, but also to her family.  From surprise trips from Tennessee to New York only to show up on her Mama's doorstep for her birthday to entire high school song dubs {here & here}, this woman is, without a doubt, for team.

And she is for you.Within minutes in her presence, you'll know. It's probably what I love best about her. Her ability to make the simple so very significant.  Yep, that's AO.

Please make welcome a woman chock full of life.  A human ready to hand out huge helpings of both love & grace to anyone who needs them.  An individual upward.  The aerial and the panoramic for so very many.  Welcome, Autumn O'Bryan.

It’s a Wednesday and Wednesdays are sacred.  We have no practice.  We make no plans.  He usually makes spaghetti.

“Wanna drive?”

The words are the sweetest I could imagine at that given moment.



Running on empty.

He knows the weight I carry.  He knows there isn’t anything he can do about it.  He doesn’t even try because he knows it's temporary.  It’s a simple testament that he knows my love language better than I know my own.

The truth is that in this given moment, I just need to breathe.

Most days are chaotic.  I march on trying to wear the hats of many people.



High School Principal.

Each one of the roles is breathtaking on any given day.  When you put them all together, on the shoulders of one person, it’s a wonder I don’t collapse more often.



a feeling of surprise mingled with admiration, caused by something beautiful, unexpected, unfamiliar, or inexplicable.


desire or be curious to know something.

I remember a time when I felt lost about my career.  I had this consistent nudge that made me feel I wasn’t quite where I needed to be.  Truthfully, it scared me a bit.  Being the child of a pastor, I heard over and over how the Lord calls you.  I think my greatest fear was that he would call me and I wouldn’t want to answer.

My mom has this annoying way of always being right.  My whole life she has quoted Jeremiah 29:11.

When times are tough, she claims it.  If everything works out, she recites it.Again, my mother was right.  He certainly does have a plan for our life.

My work as a high school principal is effortless on most days.  Mind you, I didn’t say easy.  The work is plentiful, but the simple fact is, most days it doesn’t feel like work.  I’m convinced it’s because of the wonder of his love.

Being raised in a pastor’s home, I know there are days.

The burden is heavy.

The responsibility is too much.

The work is impossible.

This Wednesday was one of those days.

When I think about it now, it makes me chuckle.  You see, the perfectly ironic part is that on those days, the only thing that settles me is the saturation of my soul by those that see me in my other two demanding roles of wife and mom.

Most days I worry about their future.  Do they know how much I love them?  Does he feel taken for granted?  Do I make too many sacrifices on their behalf?

The idea that my three greatest responsibilities actually reduce my stress is a perfect love story.

So we drive with no real destination.  We drive with the music blaring and the wind in our hair.  We hold hands and stare off into the sunset.  Slowly, and surely, my weight lightens and my spirit smiles.

His love.

A blessed life.

Wonderful Indeed.


wife, mother, daughter, sister, friend, educator, learner, reader, writer, singer (well sort of), casserole making lady...

I share my life with an amazing husband, two beautiful children (Tate and Lily), loving parents, crazy family, zany girlfriends, a really dumb boxer named Max and a spicy pup named Ginger.  I spend most days tending to 1500 teenagers as a high school principal.

wardrobe & words

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