

thoughtful There are people in this world who just make you better all because you get the golden star to know them.  Today's 3rd guest model on k.Mac's front porch of frugal fashion is this kinda human.

She is everything kind.  Full of adventure for life, this little gal is so very.  She absolutely loves people & helping.  She's the piping hot homemade dessert knocking on your backdoor in the middle of a Winter snowstorm.  I know because countless are the times she has brought delicious to my home while the snowflakes have cascaded gently down around us.

Today's guest model has become one of my very good friends. The bonus to this friendship is she just so happens to be my neighbor.  The word thoughtful is the very first letter grouping that comes to my mind each and every time I think of her.  She has such a great confidence about her. Without a doubt, Teresa Adams carries her petite self with equal parts joy & happy for the love she has for herself and others.

It was such a treat to shop with her for this week's Goodwill finds.  In less than an hour, we nabbed the deals you see below:


$22.45 spent created 5 spectacular Fall ensembles with 8 new pieces of clothing. That's an average of $2.81 per article!

aztec tights

Stop.the.press.  Raspberry pink boots for just $3.99 paired with super trendy aztec print leggings and that killer $.25 beaded belt to increase the status of our gray dress find.    Teresa also added in k.Mac's Reversible Troubadour necklace for some handmade appeal.

circle skirt

Say YES to the $2.99 corduroy circle skirt and leopard fitted sleeves!  And great legs deserve some love too, you know!

leopard top

$3.99 mustard skinny cords replaced the skirt for this look with the addition of a higher boot & wide belt accessory.

pink top

And we switched up a bit with those super fun raspberry boots just one more time because who can resist their gloriousness? I mean, COME ON!


And, finally, nothing says fall like the colors of happy harvest all infused into one solid look. Teresa utilized the neutral gray beaded tee for $2.50 with the $4.99 Fossil sweater vest and the $3.99 mustard skinny cords to create a look fresh & fun for the season.

collage teresa

Cheap Thrills Thursday can't get much better!  A special thank you to my wonderful neighbor, Teresa Adams, for giving her all for the Goodwill closet.

cheap thrills thursday.png

To read up on more Cheap Thrills posts, by all means, visit here.

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To see see the other guest models on k.Mac's front porch of frugal fashion, visit here.wardrobe & words

And, last but not least, there's so much goodness going on this month at k.Mac.  31 days to celebrate both wardrobe & words.  I can hardly stand it. Go here to catch up.