{rock it series}


sit up straight 850.png Hey y'all. So it has come to my attention that there are far too many ladies all up in this world not showing up with their A game.  And just to be clear, I'm not talking about the art of being aesthetically put together.  Nope.  Truth is, about 90% of the time, I hustle about my zip code with no make-up,  drenched in workout clothes, and durrrrty hair.  Like Nelly, I keep it durrrty-durrrty, you know how I do.

No, I'm speaking of the perma-lemon-sucking faces.  The snarls.  The stare downs.  The slumped over and the down trodden.  Ladies, quit this mess.  All of us, and I do mean EVERY LAST ONE OF US, has a beauty that sits on our inside.  And with the simplest act of a smile, we can drop major bombs on the haters.  Smile.  Turn the corners of your mouth UPWARD.  Everyone deserves light.  Hope transcends through the unexpected way more than it does the expected.

And furthermore.  Shoulders.  Let's hold those back.  Why?  Because it lifts you UPWARD.  People notice that. People need that.  They need lifting in the little ways just as much as they do the big.  And you do too.  Life gives us enough heavy.  Physically practicing the motions of UPWARD is one way simple way we can reinforce where our heavy needs to be sent:  UP.

Delight.  That's right.  I said it.  Delight means to take pleasure in something.  Do that.  Find your heartbeat, focus on your strengths and wear those bad daddies out.  Like a champ.  You are the only you ever.to.be.  Why not spread a little of that uniquely awesome around?  It will inspire others to do the same.  Even more, it may just remind someone to go look for that hope that went missing all those years ago.

Never underestimate a champ.  Never ever.

Now go be one.

Happy Saturday!

.mac :)

p.s.  This is segment 2 in my "Rock It" Series.  Go here for my 1st dose.