littles = BIG
Sometimes BIG isn't always easy to see in the little. I get that. I was just talking with my hair girl this morning about how you're 21 one minute all fresh and hip on life and then BOOM the next thing you know you're 37 and knee deep in laundry and bills and housework and deadlines and multiplication facts to teach. Oh, wait. Maybe that's just me.
If you really stop and think about it, little things really are the organic ingredients of us. Like legos, these little movements, decisions and fate-like circumstances we experience stack one upon the other to create the BIG of us. Sometimes I forget that I am the only me in this entire world. And, that is BIG. Why? Because God created only one Meghan Alicia. He is so cool.
I wish we all would celebrate our littles more. I want us each to raise the roof, ride that donkey and throw our hands in the ay-er for the who He allows us to be. And, this has nothing to do with bragging. Nope. It's the attentiveness to claim the human attached to this lifeline here on Earth. Owning yourself so that shoulders can stand taller and light can flow out of our who-ness a little easier. Cause light finding leads to light spreading, you know?
So, I'm decided to have fun with some of the little BIGS of me today. And, I want all 2 of you who read this dang blog to do the same. Above are 5 statements about me. There is only ONE lie in the bunch. Can you guess which one it is?
Go on, take a guess and vote:
[polldaddy poll="7446862"]
And, I want to hear from you, too. Leave me a comment and play along, would ya? Give me the chance to guess the lie in the littles of this BIG best life you live. It'll be fun!
BIG in the little, I am on the search for it.. I am. Why? Because it's where I grow. Because God created only one Meghan Alicia. And, He is so cool.
.mac :)