
An Easter party is going on here at k.Mac.  And, like any good hostess, I want to officially invite you to put your party pumps on and join in.  k.Mac's 1st Annual Build-a-Basket was all kinds of fun!  I can barely wait to showcase these couture Easter basket designs.  With that being said, I must tell you that I received the most disturbing phone call today from one Mr. E.B. Longears.  Yes, the Easter Bunny contacted me only to voice his concern for my handmade priorities.  It seems the bunny feels I am ignoring him and putting more emphasis on the egg. 

Well, I can't have him feeling that way this close to his time to shine now can I? 

If you can build-a-basket then of course you can build-a-bunny!  Check out these sample selections.
For the boy!  Here is a drafted sketch of a white furry bunny on a chocolate tee with argile ribbon bow tie.  I love the pale pink and cream ticking fabric for the ear's inset.  Black fuzzy nose too!

And, perhaps the white bunny isn't your style?

Well, how about a brown bunny? Chocolate corduroy with gray whiskers and yellow dot bow tie is drafted here.  The chocolate corduroy bunny is the unexpected choice for Easter, but one I adore epecially for a little boy.

Then, there's Miss Bunny.  She's cute and sassy with her double layered bow perched sweetly askew on that precious ear of hers.  Baby pink gingham ears atop white fur has me all kinds of giddy I tell you.

These drafted tee designs were offered in a pre-sale to clients on my email contact list.  The orders came in by the whazoo with glee.  Regular price of appliqued tees by k.Mac's {mollyemade} are $20.00 not including shipping.  I am offering these Build-a-Bunny tees on sale for $17.00 WITH FREE SHIPPING from now until the end of March.

Here are the choices of tees:

For the baby boy:

For the little man:

For the baby girl:

For the growing lassie:

For the growing lady:
So,  have you slipped your party pumps on yet?  If so, I'm so happy!  I'm wearing my coral peep toes.  What did you choose?  And, on the topic of choosing, you have more of that to do!  Once you choose your tee color and style of bunny, you can choose the font of your child's name as well as the colors you want for the bunny's coordinating ribbon.  

Here are the ribbon options for Mr. Bunny's bow tie:

Here are options for Miss Bunny's k.Mac Hair Happy {choose 2!}:

And, I need you to listen to all that I say here.  
 You got your ears on?  

I adore being a creator of handmade items.  Allowing me the privilege to do this for a profession is like my feet having tap shoes on ALL.THE.TIME.  I get such joy from hand drawing each applique I create.  I like the eclectic twist and detailed features of hand drawn so much more than the quick turn out of a computer generated and stitched applique.  So, should you choose to invest in one of k.Mac's appliqued tees, I want your child to get the most wear and use out of it.  I want to encourage you to order a size larger than you typically do if you are the mama of a toddler, young lady or young man.  The 1st Easter season, the shirt will fit a little more loosely and the 2nd Easter season will be a fit that's just right.  For $17.00 WITH FREE SHIPPING and for 2 years use, I think you are getting a wonderful deal. Alright, I think I'm done mothering you with your order now. {grin}
So, now I wanna love on you!  With each Build-a-Bunny tee purchase, you will receive a {mollyemade} appliqued tee rewards card. I will keep track of each applique tee you purchase and your 13th one is FREE!  Applique tees are great for birthday celebrations, birthday gifts for friends' children and are so wonderful to have for all the holidays too. Before you know it, that #12 will be punched.

Especially if you purchase a Build-a-Bunny shirt as I AM PUNCHING #1 AND #2 FOR THIS PURCHASE!

Come on, build-a-bunny.  Because remember:  it's NOT about the egg; it's about the BUNNY. Contact to order.

Help me get back in ole longears good graces, 

.mac :)

p.s.  Would you like to be on k.Mac's email list?  If so, send me your email at  I will be sure to include you in all pre-sales and early promotion deals.

p.p.s.  Congratulations Michelle Meacham!  You are the winner of k.Mac's cosmetic bag giveaway. Thank you for all who participated!