~turned up~

Your mouth just turns up quick-like when the mail lady drops this off on your door step.

And then when you open that cutey-cute box, well, it happens again.

And again.
And again.

Turned up.
Curled up.
Chompers are out in full force when you get a box stuffed full of the essentials for relaxing and pressing the gas pedal of girlyness down for a bit.

And the icing on top?

It was from a friend that I have never met but totally love! Ruby Red Slippers has a blog that I really enjoy following. Lions, and Tigers, and Boys Oh My is, without a doubt, one of my favorites.

Chalk it up to her raising boys like me, being a SAHM like me, enjoying decor and design like me, being an educator like me, I don't know. Let's just say I feel at home reading her.

She is one of my blog blessings as I like to call them. Kinda like this sweet friend too. Our paths have never physically or officially crossed, but I can say that my life feels richer just having their words around to read. Their comments left and words posted are sometimes just exactly the right inspiration or laugh that I need.

Ruby Red just had a super fab giveaway in which I was one of the winners.

Crazy, I know.

The Cranberry Bubble Bath is beyond yummy.

The People magazines were devoured cover to cover by me sitting next to my mother-in-law with feet propped up and wine in hand on her back deck. The boys were nearby pummeling one another in the back yard in a game of 1 v 1 football action. {Larro, their grandfather, was the referee}

Coffee was delish.

The CD is perfectly laid back and easy.

I still have the nail polish and novel to dive into and I will.
I am trying to obstain from the kid-in-the-candy-store inside of me who wants to "eat it all at once"

Pampering takes time, ladies.
So do friendships.
Even when you've never met.

Thanks, Ruby~

.mac :)