

That's the most accurate word to describe this day.


That's the most accurate word to describe the amount of good deals we found on our Yard Sale/Goodwill Adventure.

My good buddy, Arlene, from a few doors down shimmied her lights to and fro as her car flashed into my driveway for a pick up time of 7:15 AM. {I can't help but get the visual of Chick Hick's lady twin fans from the movie CARS here.}

Sorry I had to go mom there.
Not only mom, but boy mom.
Not only boy mom, but boy mom of toddlers.

My little men tucked in nicely with their daddy watching what only every little man looks forward to on a PBS Saturday morning, the click of my seat belt never felt more uninhibited.

Arlene felt the need to play Russian Rue let with the "Mamaws of o-dark-30" and risk the the premier yard sales steals with breakfast.

I obliged as the coffee and spinach souffle was divine, but knew in the bargain of my heart we were being a bit too big for our good deal britches.
First stop, Ramsgate. A gated community where lots of really important people live. Important people with lots of important money. Better yet, important people with lot of important money and lots of important items to sell in their yard sales and little knowledge of what things normally "go" for when one chooses to unleash Baby Gap in their front yard under a pop tent.

Let's take house 6416 for example. I have cleverly used my FBI dyslexia to ensure homeowner identity here, but 6416 nonetheless.

The above items were purchased for $1.00 a piece.

  • 3 Polo shirts/sweaters
  • 1 pair of Gymboree pants
  • 2 POLO golf shirts (not photographed)
  • 1 Thomas the Tank DVD (not photographed)
  • 3 train books ($.25 each--not photographed)

"Ummm, excuse me, ma'm?

"I realize pouring rain is doing nothing but sabbotaging your perfectly set-n-style hair palace, but perhaps next time you SHOULD NOT leave your husband out in the garage to fetch prices on items."

"Why? You ask?"

"Cause he is robbing you of all of your giveitawaynow money!!!"

I also purchased 3 items for myself at another home. I plan on doing a small fashion show post of my summer thrift finds sometime in the near future. At least 2 of these items will be on the catwalk just as soon as find the perfect coordinate for the 1 trendy and take about 1 1/2 inches in of the other trendy.

Again, $1.00 a piece.

I won't even go into Arlene's treasures or the fact that she found a $50.00 toy from Target in the yard sale for $5.00.

Holla if you here me, girls?!!

Next stop, Goodwill.

Goodwill, how I love thee.
This picture is of our brand new store in town! No more cluttered aisles and darting around Mamaw motorized go-go carts.
Oh yeah, it's on, baby!

Allow me to completely show that I ain't above taking one for the team of thrift.
Hair? Who needs it?
I just came from $1.00 Mania at the homes of Donald Trump's distant relatives, I do declare.

Arlene's got a thing for color coordination. I caught her several times not even looking for deals, but OCD sorting and re-organizing the colors of the shirts according to everyone's palette of standard: the rainbow...ROYGBIV.

A simple twist of the wrist and yank of her dang good perfect pony tail and she was back in the game.

We had 64 items to try on or consider purchasing for our family as we huffed and puffed our way to the place where magic happens: Goodwill's dressing room.
This was only 1/2 of my stash as I had to take it in shifts!

Here's my other 1/2.

Home just in time for lunch only to relieve the best husband ever of parental duties, the above is what I scored from Goodwill. All nothing short of cuteness, sass, and comfort. Just keep your eyes peeled for my summer stint on the catwalk of cash savings and you'll see these fun finds soon enough!

Play shorts for the boys. $1.24 less 50% each. That's $.62 each, sweets.

And last, but NOT least, I found the perfect fitted Tennessee Vols tee I had been after but SO unwilling to pay the full price of $24.95 plus in the store.

And with our new lead dog Smokey, I have a feeling I am going to be wearing this little $1.50 find quite often.

That was my total spent.

That was my number of items purchased.

Steals and deals riding on wet wheels,
That's the way this mama gets her good feels,


.mac :)