Unconditional Love Rules

Have you read the book, “The Art of Racing in the Rain” by Garth Stein? It’s a great story about the love between a man and his dog, from the dog’s perspective. The dog, Enzo, is extremely loyal to his owner and very philosophical who has educated himself by watching television. The book is extremely well written and very thought provoking, especially if you are a dog owner. I mean think about it…what if our furry babies are really taking in and analyzing life as we humans do?

I know I’m not the only one out there that would say the love they share with their dog is special. I had always felt so close and connected to my dog, Lexi. She knew my movements very well, almost like she could sense what I was about to say. I could read between her head tilts, her slouched posture, her whimpers and howls, and her tail wag or lack thereof … all showing me what she really wanted to say. 

“Mom, those other dogs are freaking me out. Let’s get out of here.”

“Yes Yes Yes, I said!!!  I want to go on a walk!!”

“Really mom? Really? You are going to make me go outside in THIS weather? Ughhh.”

“Aw, I really love when it is just you and me playing. Sooo much fun!”

I’ve only had two dogs in my life. My first was our family dog, Ginger.  I was 6 when we got this sweet german shepherd/chow mix puppy. She grew up to be a fierce guard dog, well known for biting the fence as the postman delivered our mail, and yet the most gentle creature around the four people that loved her the most. 

And then there was Lexi. She was all mine. I got her at a tough time in my life, but I do believe that she came in my life to save me from my depths of sadness. My dad had just passed away and I was in a dark place. She was my light and my first baby. She was a mild, sweet mannered girl that I toted with me everywhere I could. The love and connection we had was sweet and unforgettable.

There is nothing that can replace the unconditional love you get from a dog. No human will ever be standing at the door every single day waiting for you to come home. And then, when you finally do come home, no matter how long it has been, they act like you are the most incredible person to ever set foot on the planet, every time. It’s the best feeling ever, right!? Can you imagine your friends or spouse or even your own kids to do that every day of their life for you? Never. Gonna. Happen.


“I think dogs are the most amazing creatures; they give unconditional love. For me, they are the role model for being alive.”
—Gilda Radner

To read more in the  Building Love series, visit here.