Schoolyard Inspired

I realize, candidly I do, that most of you frequent this space on Thursday.  It's the shallow end of the pool so to speak. And shallow, as much as we all hate to Mother Teresa admit it, feels tepid to our toes. Tingling and just right warm with little real work required to stay above water. 

 Thursdays here in this space are like those light and airy sugar wafers.  You know the kind you can procure in chocolate, vanilla or strawberry?  Their waffly-looking outsides speak an easy kind of:

"So, yeah.  I'm not good for you, but imma mess with you and just make you feel that there's so much less of me here with my convex & concave external appeal. Go ahead.  Eat me, dawg.  I am nothing like the Satan possessed Oreo all dark, heavy & dense."

And, well, I feel you.  On a whole lotta levels we all proverbially eat Oreos all dang week.  And it's nice to know that the sugar wafer or the shallow end does, HALLELUJAH, exist.  That there is a place to fall for nonsense's sake. I've always wanted to be somebody's sugar wafer. So it's Cheap Thrills Thursday #FTW.

I am notorious for making up games to play with myself.  I've done this since I was a kid.  One player.  One objective.  ALL DAY.  From the age of six to the very day my Mom recovered the puke avocado green rocker in our living room, I played like it was my green Pinto.  I shifted gears and shut the door every time I sat in that seat.  Took my baby dolls to church and to K-Mart to get their pictures made in that car, of course. Some girls aim high for the BMW or the Mercedes.  Me? I'm a practical girl. Pinto all the way, baby. Kenny is a lucky man.

So naturally I've made up a new game for the next 3 weeks to play with you.  I decided to share 3 simple ensembles giving some props to my dearly beloved bubble gum pink Chuck Taylors.  They were purchased at Goodwill for just $1.00.  They're not new to my Thursday neck of the woods.  Visit here to see their debut. Converse ALL STARS are my happy place. Any shoe that you can purchase in a rainbow of colors is pure genius if you ask me.

I allowed myself one earring choice and one bracelet choice.  Rules.  Sheesh.  I most certainly need them when it comes to jewelry. Mr. T is quite possibly a distant relative of mine. I chose these earrings from Raquel Castillo Designs.  I heart this artist.  And if I owned eighty pair of her earrings, it wouldn't nearly be enough.  Oh, and this Gladiator Cuff from Meghan Cobble Designs.  {insert self promo + a good ole **wink**} Once those decisions were made, it was time to have some fun.

There's nothing more freeing than taking it back to those long gone days of the schoolyard.  And skirts with tennis shoes is the absolute best way to bring back that merry-go-round and jumping out of swings that's buried deep down in us all.  

Ruffles.  aHeM.  I have a thing for them.  {guilty here}

And coming at you with complete comfort and biker shorts under my skirt to secure complete modesty whilst climbing the jungle gym, I give you my schoolyard inspired converse love.  

outfit details

  • bubble gum pink Converse All Stars:  $1.00 Goodwill
  • striped ruffle skirt:  $1.25 Goodwill
  • yellow 3/4 shirt with baby bow tassels:  Hammie-down. FREE!  Thanks, Sarah Jane!

total investment:  $2.25

Let's be clear.  Life is meant for best living.  If that means downing a pack of sugar wafers and tickling those toesies in the shallow waters every now again, I'm completely pro. Life stuffed with Oreo overload only leads to bloating and black stuff all in your teeth.  By all means, allow me to be your Thursday place. This sugar wafer is at your service.

more cheap thrills thursday posts